Traffic changes and safety
Let’s be safe, responsible, and follow the main rules!
For participants:
◊ Ride safely for your and other participants’ sake and take full responsibility for any possible accidents or health risks related to participating in “IKI Velomarathon”.
◊ In CRAMO Sport and CRAMO Semi-Sport groups, we kindly ask you not to block faster participants or those who intend to pass you and move closer to the right side.
◊ Do not ride on the pavements and outside the route. The route goes along the streets with traffic limit. (See the map above).
◊ Do not cross the “IKI Velomarathon” route during the race – it is strictly forbidden. You can cross the street only at the crosswalks or at the specially denoted crossing areas. Before crossing, please make sure that it is safe and that there are no participants approaching.
◊ Do not walk or ride on the boarders of the route and do not otherwise disturb “IKI Velomarathon” participants.
◊ Do not litter around the route or other areas of the event.